Behavioural Trainings
To know ist not enough. Be able to do.
The aim of behavioural trainings is practical ability. Certainly, it needs a little theory. "Nothing is as practical as a good theory " thes are the words of a known social psychologist. However, the main point lies on practicing and controlling. Because only what I am able to do, at last produces effects.
Behavioural training as a rule are executed by order for companies. However, individual trainings are possible. Public trainings don't take place at present.
Communication Trainings
Kommunikation ist alltäglich. Müssen wir "trainieren", was wir von Kind auf tun? Warum dann die vielen Missverständnisse, Diskussionen ohne Ergebnisse, hässlichen Streitigkeiten? Warum Wort- und V...
Sales Trainings
Selling is more than having "a few good sayings" in your locker (although this is sometimes quite...
Presentation Techniques
Some formulate things eloquently and say nothing. Others are knowledgeable, but present things in...