Sales Trainings
Sales talent?
Selling is more than having "a few good sayings" in your locker (although this is sometimes quite good). Not everyone can sell well straight away. It takes talent to do that! However, almost everyone can be trained in this talent. This is exactly what I do in my sales training.
Sales talent mainly includes two behavioural skills, which at a high level ("heavy weights") must be at the same level:

Empathy | Egodrive |
Respond to customers | Keep your own / corporate objectives in mind |
Show understanding | Prompt understanding |
Adapt to the customer | Influence customers |
Feel for the market, recognise sales opportunities | Make the most of opportunities to approach the customer, to “deal with” them |
Advise customers | Come to a conclusion (a sales contract) |
Solve customer problems | Make a profit |
Basic sales training covers the following topics:
- Sales talent: Empathy & ego-drive
- Phases in the sales process help to recall the right techniques
- Letter of acquisition and other acquisition instruments
- Appealing to the customers - come to the right point
- Getting appointments by telephone
- Initial discussions with the customer
- Presenting yourself / the company in an engaging way
- Needs analysis, classification & questioning technique
- Indicate advantages and benefits instead of too much product information
- Presentation technique (introduction)
- Influencing customers - sales psychology "rules"
- Averting objections and resistance
- Negotiation, price discussions
- Actively bringing about transactions
This sales training is conducted in 2 blocks of 2 days.
Option: A psychological test can be carried out beforehand to determine the potential for "empathy" and "ego-drive" for each participant. The results give an additional standpoint: "Where can I improve?"