Debt collection
Marketing for collection companies
I have managed marketing & sales in various collection companies. That is why I know this industry well. Out of all of these briefs, the team that made the best impression on me was the Rolf Schmidt Collection-Team (Rolf Schmidt Inkasso-Team) in Egerkingen, Switzerland. This team persistently works on the cases and actually brings back money. That is why I would be happy to recommend it. Click here for the company's website.
Money collector with a passion
The Rolf Schmidt Collection-Team (Rolf Schmidt Inkasso-Team) concerns itself with cases which cannot be solved by the legal process alone, i.e. for debtors who have “disappeared” and need to be found first, professional debtors who would be able to pay but intentionally pay nothing back, or for investment fraudsters, unpaid invoices abroad, private loans, etc.
The way this collection company works is to initially investigate the debtor. They specifically look for "blind spots", which could be used to motivate the debtor to make payments. The claim is presented on site, until a solution is found.
Before attempting an open-ended expensive civil dispute, it often makes sense to first seek an out-of-court solution.
Activities Rolf Schmidt Inkasso-Team
The collection company mainly carries out collections in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Cases in non-German-speaking countries are possible depending on the individual case. Cases in Switzerland / Germany / Austria from a claim amount of EUR / CHF / 20'000.-- . International cases in other European countris EUR / CHF / £ / $ 100'000.--
Collection in this form is without doubt, new territory, for most private individuals, but also companies. The company's trustworthiness is interesting in this regard.