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Negotiation Mandates

"Two sisters fought over an orange. In the end, they shared it. One squeezed out the juice and drank it. The other grated the peel for a cake dough."

The results of negotiations are often not optimal. Why “turn your back on” money and prestige, if you can achieve more?

Compromises ("sharing the orange") are sometimes inevitable, however, more often lies within (“all the peel”, "all the orange juice"). This includes "looking behind the facades", addressing aspects that do not seem ostensible ("what do you want to do with the orange?")

Of course, the reality is even more complicated. As a negotiator, however, you have to get to the heart of things. Then, surprising solutions are often possible, where both parties benefit. To achieve this, a clear manner of expression, "audacious" questions and a little imagination are necessary. The opposition also bluffs often ("then we will sell to the competition"), or tries to pressure you ("the offer only applies until the end of week"). For all of these situations, there are elegant countermeasures.

As a negotiation coach, I will show you how it works in your case.

Wenn Sie mir ein Verhandlungsmandat erteilen, führe ich die Verhandlung professionell und Ihrem Sinn, mit Ihnen zusammen oder aIf you grant me a negotiation mandate, I will lead the negotiation professionally and in accordance with your way of thinking either together with you or independently.